Surprising Factors That Make Megan Fox Feel Sexy

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 Megan Fox talks coordinating outfits with Machine Gun Kelly and her second clothing collection with boohoo.

We interviewed Megan Fox because we think you’ll like her picks at these prices. Megan is a paid spokesperson for boohoo. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time.

Megan Fox’s first boohoo clothing collaboration sold out in October 2021. Now, she’s back for part two with some affordable fashions that give us all the opportunity to incorporate her sense of style into our wardrobe. This 35-piece collection truly has something for everyone and every occasion, from office looks, to night out fashions, and everything in between. She told E!’s Francesca Amiker, “There’s a bunch of different stuff in here, obviously some of it is much more casual than other things,” describing some of the looks as “something I could wear out with my kids.”

Megan’s first boohoo drop included an “Ohio” varsity jacket in homage to her fiancé Machine Gun Kelly. She teased that this collection includes “something that is representative of our relationship,” but she didn’t share which style she was referring to. However, she did tell Francesca that she feels SÑ”xy when she wears the baggy pants from collection, which is an easy-to-wear look we can all rock.

Megan’s boohoo collection launches June 6, 2022 at 12 PM ET/ 9 AM PT with sizes ranging from 2 to 24.

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